Plitvice Art Farm

Plitvice Art Farm

Where to eat - Plitvice Art Farm

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Inspired by Croatian heritage, culture and traditional textures, Plitvice Art Farm found its place near the wooded lair of Lika bear and crystal drops of the turquoise river Korana. Its idyllic location is near the Plitvice Lakes National Park at Grabovac 257A. 

Our colorful booths and small wooden houses are a home of award-winning cheeses, scented soaps, souvenirs of Lika bear and frizzy haired sheep “Pramenka”, miraculous honey, organic-grown aronia and other super-groceries from local family farms, as well as organic-grown vegetables and refreshing drinks. The tastiest autochthonous products are selected from leading manufacturers of products with the “Lika Quality” certification, enabling anyone to find something for themselves.

300 m
1000 ft

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