Cluster Lika Destination in Berlin as part of the WAHL project - change and action in nature

Published: 18. 05. 2018 - 8:24
Lika destination - Cluster Lika Destination in Berlin as part of the WAHL project - change and action in nature

From 18 to 25 June 2018, a bilateral German-Croatian Erasmus plus training course was held for young people working in rural areas in Europe organized by the Berlin Mensch Raum Land e.V. (man, space, country) and KMGNE (College of Management and Design of Sustainable Development), and in cooperation with the Youth Association Podum. It is about the WAHL project - changes and activities in nature that affirms old knowledge, new occupations and alternative life practices for the purpose of rural development. The theme of the seminar was training of experts in working with young people, getting to know the European Erasmus plus educational program developing core content for future future youth exchange projects in the field of crafts and new technologies and designing a program that includes the skills of knowling old trades and traditions with the application of new technologies. The aim is to stimulate the development of rural areas and the recognition of potential in rural areas and the activation of youth through program activities  and practical learning (wool processing, wood processing, gardening…). International work offers alternative forms of employment and open prospects through employment. Among others, the seminar was attended by the leader of Lika Destination Cluster, Petra Butković, who explained to all project participants the work of the cluster  and presented them to Lika Quality and Stay 3 days in Lika. In addition to presenting the projects, the cluster manager acquainted all the participants and the Lika destination and the problems faced by young people from this area and working with other participants to develop ideas to solve these problems and increase the likelihood of Lika as a destination.


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