Project "Career Opportunities in Tourism"

Published: 03. 02. 2023 - 12:59
Lika destination - Project

The Lika Destination cluster, in cooperation with the Croatian Employment Service, Otočac High School, Plitvička Jezera High School and Gospić Vocational School, and with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, implements the project "Career opportunities in tourism in Lika" whose goal, such as and visible from the name of the project, to present to the target groups the possibility of (self)employment. These are high school students, the unemployed, employers and employees in tourism who, through project activities, will have the opportunity to get to know the potential that exists in the local community and make their first contacts.

The first part of the activity consists of a set of a total of 15 workshops in which high school students and the unemployed are presented with the potential of the Lika destination for work in tourism and employment opportunities with specific examples and specific employers. In addition, they will also gain knowledge about starting their own business, an employer from the local community who deals with tourism will be introduced to them, and they will also have a part in field training.


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