Likabike - through Lika on wheels

Published: 30. 04. 2024 - 2:08
Lika destination - Likabike - through Lika on wheels

Meet Lika Bike, a company that wins the hearts of nature and adventure lovers with its rental of bicycles, e-bikes and quad bikes (ATVs) in the heart of Lika. Lika Bike offers unforgettable experiences exploring the pristine beauty of the region. Petar Matovinović, who has been very successfully running Likabike based in Lovinac for years, revealed more about the business.

We thank Mr. Matovinović for his time. You can read the interview below:

1. What do you offer?

  • Rental of bicycles and electric bicycles throughout the Lika-Senj County
  • Guided bike, electric bike and quad bike tours throughout the county
  • Organization of excursions - accommodation and activities

2. You recently became a travel agency, what new features did that bring to your offer?

Organization of excursions and sale of package arrangements. We think that in this way we will attract additional clients (eg Team Building organization).

3. Do you work all year round?

Yes, the winter part of the season is extremely attractive for quads (it is important to dress warmly), and cyclists mostly come from the beginning of April until the end of October.

4. In what period is attendance the highest?

Bicycles in spring/summer, and quads are popular for a longer period of the year. However, overall attendance is highest in summer. Lovinac is very crowded during that period, so guests like to have a bicycle with them to explore the landscape themselves.

5. How many routes do you have?

4-5 permanent routes that we like to show our guests the most.

  • Master's road to Tulovi gred.
  • Tours to the source of Banice/Bakovac
  • Tour to Debeljača quarry
  • Variants and combinations of the mentioned tours

In addition, we adapt tours to our guests, i.e. to their wishes, possibilities, location,...

6. How long are the routes?

From 30 minutes to 5-6 hours, depending on wishes.

7. Which route is most in demand?

To the Debeljača quarry - the most acceptable for all types of drivers because it is simpler, and the view offered by Debeljača is wonderful. Guests always like to stop there, take a break and take a picture.

Driving to Tulovi Gredo on the Majstorsko road is a bit more intense due to the length of the road, but those who want a challenge like to do it even with an (electric) bike.

The point is that universal routes are not the right approach because not everything is for everyone and therefore we like to adapt the combination of route and means of transport for all our clients separately, of course, by agreement.

8. Do you plan to increase the supply in the future?

For now, we are happy with what we currently offer. Always at the end of meeting with our guests, we check what their impression is and based on that we consider whether something needs to be changed, refined or similar. In any case, we will adapt to what our guests demand.

9. Do you work alone or do you have employees?

The two permanent employees, along with the director, know the entire area very well, which is very important for conducting tours. The head of the agency is Petar Matovinović, and for travel needs (high season - for example, it was crowded during the snow season) we also hire external guides.

10. Do you recommend nearby tourist facilities to your guests?

We recommend PP Velebit, Cerovačke špilje, Kudin most, adrenaline parks Lički Sokol and Rizvan City, Cvituša picnic area and various OPGs that sell local products. Of course, we also recommend the proximity of the Adriatic Sea, which is why our location has an advantage.

11. Do you think Lika is a suitable destination for tourism?

Yes, people want real rest and contact with nature. We've noticed that lately people are really appreciating it because they want to get away from it all. That's why we started this initiative.

We hope to provide people who come to Lika with an additional activity, all with the aim of supporting an active holiday.

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