Workshops were held as part of the project "Climate change: Sustainable development in Lika".

Published: 06. 05. 2024 - 9:32
Lika destination - Workshops were held as part of the project

The Lika Destination cluster today held workshops as part of the project called "Climate change: Sustainable development in Lika", the aim of which is to raise awareness of the need to adapt to climate change among current and future tourism workers and farmers in Lika. The project was co-financed by the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency, and is realized in cooperation with the Vocational School Gospić and Otočac Tourist Board.

An employee of the Lika Destination Cluster, Anamaria Matulj, presented the students with key concepts about the importance of synergy between agriculture and tourism. Through the presentations, the deep impact of this synergy on the sustainable development of the community was highlighted, especially in the context of increasingly pronounced climate changes.

One of the key focuses of the workshops was awareness of climate change and its impact on Lika. Students had the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how climate change is related to their local environment and how activities in agriculture and tourism can contribute to reducing negative impacts on the environment.

These workshops represent an important step in educating young generations about sustainable development and the importance of adapting to climate change. Through the integration of knowledge from agriculture and tourism and raising awareness of environmental challenges, this project provides the foundations for future generations that will actively contribute to the preservation of the environment in the Lika region.

This document was created with the financial support of the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of Cluster Lika Destination and under no circumstances can it be considered as a reflection of the position of the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency.


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