Good results of tourist destinations in Lika

Published: 07. 08. 2024 - 2:32
Lika destination - Good results of tourist destinations in Lika

Looking for information from the Tourist Board of the Plitvička jezera municipality and from the director Josipa Kukuruzović, we received accurate and certainly optimistic information about the course of this year's tourist season in that area.

"A few days ago, I completed the data from January 1 to July 29, 2024, and in that period we have even 9.23 percent more overnight stays compared to the same period last year. If we look only at the seventh month of this year compared to last year, then we are in a deficit of 2.39 percent of overnight stays. The pre-season was good and overall we have better results."

This year, many restaurateurs are complaining about the drop in the number of guests at their restaurants, mainly caused by price increases. However, what we see is that the restaurants here are full, most likely because we are still more acceptable compared to the coast in terms of price-quality ratio.

"Since we are still a destination that has insufficient restaurants compared to demand, our restaurants are almost always full. All catering establishments are well filled precisely because of the prices. We are a rare destination where you can drink coffee for less than 1.30 euros, and eat in a restaurant for less than 8 euros per person", says Josipa Kukuruzović from the TZ of the Plitvička jezera municipality.

These days, information is coming from the coast, and especially from the Croatian islands, according to which the price of regular coffee is 3 or more euros, a scoop of ice cream 4, while a guest has to spend up to 4 euros for beer in restaurants, so it is not surprising that the good attendance of the more affordable Lika, catering establishments.


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