Otočac digitally: The Tourist Board launched a virtual walk through the town

Published: 29. 08. 2024 - 4:49
Lika destination - Otočac digitally: The Tourist Board launched a virtual walk through the town

The Otočac Tourist Board presented yesterday a new virtual walk on its website, offering visitors the opportunity to explore the beauty of this region from the comfort of their own home. This innovative virtual walk, realized in cooperation with Meditel usluge d.o.o., shows panoramas of Otočac and its surroundings through 360° recording technology. Users are enabled to interactively explore 12 key locations, including the Otočac Airport, the Pećina Archaeological Site and the Church of the Holy Trinity, as well as natural beauties such as Majerovo Vril and the Kuterevo Velebit Bear Sanctuary. The virtual walk includes aerial shots, ground panoramas and short descriptions of important landmarks, thus offering a rich and high-quality virtual experience. In the future, the Tourist Board plans to further enrich and supplement the walk with new locations and information.


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